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Sporting Stories with Sam Roberts & Sarah Hunter

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Join us on Thursday 3rd October as our latest Blues Events series continues in The Burrow at the Blues with more Sporting Stories alongside Sam Roberts!

England Rugby's highest appearance maker, Sarah Hunter heads to Goldington Road to look back on her career at the elite level of the game following retirement last year.

Now Defence Coach of England Women, Hunter - a winner of rugby's greatest prize as a player - will also look towards the 2025 World Cup which is being held in this country. 

Tickets £24 for admittance only with food from Chicken George and a fully stocked bar available on the night. 

bedford blues beer rugby sport chicken


Access will only be allowed via The Burrow at the Blues entrance, opposite Bushmead Avenue. No food or drink is allowed to be brought into the ground.

Full terms and conditions, along with ground regulations, available on the Blues website.